
Applications are now open! Here is all of the info you will need to sign up. For site jobs we will need:

1 Head of site (Filled)
2 Co-Heads of Site (Filled)
3 Head Reporters (Filled)
6 Reporters (2 spots open)

Accepted Staff: (may change)
Head of Site: Iceyfeet1234
Co-Heads of Site: LionP, Johnnylumber
Head Reporters (may change): Magma, Ajboyrocks, Matthew
Reporters (may change): Slipperysid1, Reddude5789, Marabubumara, Flo Rida1216

Site Jobs:
There will be 2-3 people for each site job.
- Catalogs and Parties (3 people needed)
- Newspapers, pins, field ops, and other cheats (3 people needed)
- News outside of the CP website, youtube, secret upcoming events, etc (3-4 people needed)
NOTE: If a new catalog/party comes out and nobody has posted about it, then you can post the catalog, even if it's not your job, just so you can help the other people out =).

Sign up Form:
1. CP and Xat Name
2. How long you've been playing CP
3. What site job you would like to do
4. Experience with posting (how good your grammar/spelling is, and if you know how to take pictures and crop them on your computer)

bye for now,

~ Iceyfeet1234


  1. cp name: fish84
    xat name: christohper1
    length of playing cp: 11 months
    site job: catalogs and parties
    experience: I have good grammar on blog sites but I cannot add any pictures at all but if you could edit my posts and add some pics thats fine with me!

  2. 1. Wwebestfan

    2. When I made my first penguin, I made it around February of 2008, then my 2nd penguin Wwe Best Fan was made in early april of 2008, then my current one is just over 2 years old (Wwebestfan).

    3. Catalogs and parties

    4. I've did my own site , and my grammar is quite good while in the posting stage, outside of posting; I just ignore my grammar.

  3. 1. Xat - Matthew,
    2. Since 2008.
    3. I'll take whatever position you need me in.
    4. I don't have much posting experience but I have good grammar and spelling, so that has to count for something. Of course I know how to take pictures and crop.

  4. 1. Ajboyrocks
    2. Since 2009
    3. Catalogs and parties
    4. I know how to put pictures up. I have good grammar and I do check out CP sometimes.

  5. 1. reddude5789
    2. since 2010
    3. catalogs and patries
    4. i know how to put pictures up i have good spellings and gramar and i do check out cp daily very daily

  6. sorry for spelling wrong i was in a rush

  7. CP:Slipperysid1
    How Long Playing CP: 5 Years
    What Site Job: Anything you got
    Experience With Posting: Very Good
    Spelling/Grammar: VERY Good
    Cropping Photos: Good

  8. Club Penguin acc: ALby Nator
    Xat name: Jeremypunk
    Time I have been playing CP: About 4-5 years
    Job: Anything really
    I can post very well, I can add pictures, videos, etc,.
    My spelling is fine, and I am not so well at cropping.

  9. 1.CP and Xat Name? B Batman3
    2. How long you've been playing CP? 6 years
    3. What site job you would like to do? Anything
    4. Experience with posting (how good your grammar/spelling is, and if you know how to take pictures and crop them on your computer) Spelling is good, I can add pictures, post videos, do HTML and other things.

  10. 1. CP name: Lion P, Xat name: ℓιση_ρ.

    2. 1498 Days old.

    3. "News outside of the CP website, youtube, secret upcoming events".

    4. My grammar is good and I know how to crop pictures but I posted only two posts in my time in wordpress.

  11. 1.Club Penguin name: Joshg1 my Xat name: Joshg1.
    2.1530 days old.
    3.Reporter- Newspapers,field ops and other cheats
    4.My grammar is good I've worked for Happyblue128 and ICPBlog

  12. 1.Honkzo6, Q.M.Honkzo6
    2. Since Early 2008
    3. Anything which I can grab
    4. I use English(UK) Grammar and Spelling, and can write in shorthand and longhand reasonably well.
    I can use the three Photo editing programs which Dad has brought and installed. I also know how to Print Screen.

  13. 1.Mcm00,Lemonade Mouth
    2.Since Early 2010
    3.Anything I can get
    4.I can type English(U.S.) Grammar and Spelling.I can not crop photos though.

    1. Forgot to add something you can add pics by editing my posts. :D

      ~Lemonade Mouth

  14. 1. CP and Xat Name: Johnylumber, Jojo

    2. How long you've been playing CP: Since February of 2007

    3. What site job you would like to do: Catalogs and Parties

    4. Experience with posting (how good your grammar/spelling is, and if you know how to take pictures and crop them on your computer): I worked with SMAC and CPAC. I have great grammar and spelling, and I take great pictures of IW's events.

  15. 1. CP and Xat Name: Flo Rida1216
    2. How long you've been playing CP: 3-4 years
    3. What site job you would like to do: Head Reporter
    4. Experience with posting (how good your grammar/spelling is, and if you know how to take pictures and crop them on your computer) I have experience in SMAC and CPAC, I even made my own site, I have really good grammar. Please add me Iceyfeet12344567890. (WARY)

  16. hello!Here's my information:
    CP and Xat Name: ''Greenocool'' on Club Penguin and ''greenocool'' on Xat.

    How long have I been playing Club Penguin: I have been playing Club Penguin since December 2009.My first account was created back then.My 2nd account was created in June 2010 and my third - March 2011.

    What site job would I like to apply for: I would like to apply for a ''Reporter'' job.There are currently 2 empty spots for the job.

    My experience with blogs and Club Penguin: I consider my grammar good enough to run a fine Club Penguin blog or site.In fact,I have a Club Penguin blog at '''' and it has been running ever since June 2010(more than 2 years ago).
    I know how to take pictures and edit them on my computer.That includes cropping them,adding different effects,adding different extras and etc.I can also make banners,background and free-customizable penguin avatars(icons).
    As for my Club Penguin experience: I already told you that I have been playing the game for nearly 3 years and I also know a lot about its history.That includes the period before Club Penguin was even created: Penguin Chat and Experimental Penguins,Rocketsnail Games and other.

    And just one more question: What does the reporter actually do and how do I know if I get accepted? :)

