EXCLUSIVE: Club Penguin Treasure Book Update To Come In August!

Club Penguin's Treasure Book used to get lots of updates a year but this year it wasn't updated since January 2013 which made lots of penguins wonder why isn't there a new edition and if there will even be one! The answer is YES; An update is coming to the Treasure Book sometime during the end of August. This was confirmed in a Club Penguin Support ticket sent to Dupple shown below.

So, are you excited for this LONG waited update? Make sure to tell us in the comments section below!


Club Penguin Blog: August Party Announcement

Many penguins have been wondering what Club Penguin is planning for during this summer, and specially in August which is sometimes a month for an adventure and sometimes for some music jamming. The answer is that August's party is going to be a mix of a Summer Party, Water Party, and a Music Jam Party; ALL together! While we don't know anything about the party, you can check out a sneak peek of what the Beach will look like during it in Polo Field's August's party announcement post below.
Hello Penguins!
Many of you have asked what party is coming to Club Penguin in August. We’ve also seen lots of suggestions...
“Make a Summer Party!”
“Bring back the Water Party!”
“Why not Music Jam?”
So we thought, why not make a party with ALL of those great ingredients? A classic Club Penguin party with surfing, swimming, beaches, and of course... Music! Here’s a taste of what we’ve been working on:

Stay tuned! We’ll be posting a special video announcement about the party next week on the blog.
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
I'm really looking forward for this huge party as it seems to be really awesome and the Beach is well decorated which further hints to an amazing party! But I hope it's not another takeover party... What type of parties do you think it'll be? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment in the comments section below. 

Penguin of the Day: Need4speed67

Summer is here, and a penguin named Need4speed67 was featured as today's Penguin Of The Day for getting ready for summer by wearing an ace outfit and having a well decorated igloo!
You all know I love hearing about friendly penguins and Need4speed67 is exactly that! He’s especially known for complimenting other penguins on their outfits. Well, my friend, we all think your outfit is ace and stripe-tastic!

Penguin of the Day nominations can be sent via the Contact Us page!
-Club Penguin Team
What do you think of today's POTD? Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment where it belongs; in the comments section below!


Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight

Another week's end is here... Time flies very fast when it comes to infiltrate the Death Star! Anyways, tonight's updates are major ones listed below.
  • Infiltrate the Death Star
  • Meet Darth Herbert
  • Club Penguin Times Issue 406
  • New EPF message
Before the updates happen, make sure you've done the following:
  • Nothing for this week!
Have a nice day! 


Stormtroopers at Work: Phone Support

Another Stormtroopers at Work image captioning fun post with Polo Field is now on the Club Penguin blog showing 2 Stormtroopers; 1 stretching, and another answering a phone call to Club Penguin Support apparently. Caption the image below.
Hey Penguins!
"Hello, thank you for calling Club Penguin..." Let's hear your best Star Wars™ Takeover captions! Can't wait to hear what you come up with for this one!

-Club Penguin Team
Star Wars ™ & © 2013 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. 
Make sure to tell the team your best captioning and to tell US too by commenting below!


Club Penguin Blog: Month in Review: July

A brand new type of Club Penguin blog posts which will be posted in a specific series is now here! It's called Month in Review and will be posted by Polo Field each month. In this post we got to comment under the post with our thoughts on the whole month including what we liked during it and would like to happen in the future months! Check out July's Month in Review post below.
Greetings Penguins! We are going to try something new with Reviewed by You...at the end of each month we are going to do a Month in Review! As you know, we love getting feedback from our players so this will give you the chance to let us know your thoughts! We want to know what your highlights of the month were and what you would like to see in upcoming months!

To refresh your memory here's a list of some memorable moments in July:
  • School added to Club Penguin
  • Puffle Treasure Hunting Items
  • Furniture Catalog
  • #WaddleOn Series Begins
  • Penguin Style
  • Star Wars™ Takeover Begins and Tatooine Quest Launched
Looking forward to your feedback!
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team
What do you think of July? Did you like it? Make sure to comment on the blog post above AND to tell US your thoughts on this month by leaving a comment in the comments section below and we're always looking forward to hear your feedback even MORE than Club Penguin does!


Penguin of the Day: Zoey23591

A brand new Penguin Of The Day post is here! This time, Zoey23591 was picked for always going on adventures with her puffles and much more reasons that can be found in Daffodaily5's post below.
Zoey23591 is the ‘funniest penguin to be around!’ She’s always going on adventures with her puffles, hosting igloo parties, and making many penguins smile along the way. Including ME! :)

Contact Us and share your nominations with the Team.
-Club penguin Team
What do you think of her EPIC igloo? Make sure to share your thoughts on her cool costume and igloo with us by leaving a comment in thew comments section below.


Club Penguin - Penguin of the Day: Michael17063

If you haven't figured out how to get into the Secret Under Water Room, then you can ask Michael17063 who's today's Penguin Of The Day for being a great Tour Guide who shares all his CP secrets with new players!
It took me a while myself to figure out how to get into the Secret Under Water Room so it makes me happy that Michael17063, a devoted Tour Guide, share all his CP secrets with new players!

You know the drill! Send your nominations via the Contact Us page!
-Club Penguin Team
 What do you think of that beach igloo he has got? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below.


Darth Herbert To Start Stomping Around Club Penguin On August 1st

An author from cpguide.net asked Club Penguin Support about when will Darth Herbert visit the island, and they replied saying that he's busy now planning but will visit on August 1st. Read the reply below.

Are you excited to meet Darth Herbert and to laugh on him because he got fat? Tell us by commenting below.


Exclusive: Club Penguin Hinting At Grey Colour Once Again

A few hours ago, Daffodaily5 tweeted a picture of free posters that the Club Penguin Team are giving out to everyone who visits their stand at the Star Wars Celebration which hints to the Grey colour. If you look close at the third penguin from the left of the 2nd line of penguins from the poster on the left of the wall you'll notice that he's coloured Grey! Could this mean that the Grey colour is coming out sometime soon?

What do you think? Are you excited for the Grey colour releasing if it is going to get released soon? Make sure to tell us by leaving a comment in the comments section below.


SPOILER: Unreleased Star Wars Takeover Backgrounds

Yesterday, I was able to find ALL the unreleased Star Wars Takeover rooms, planets' maps, and Darth Herbert's in-game look. While today, while looking through Club Penguin files I was able to find 2 new unreleased Star Wars Takeover backgrounds! The first one will be available at the Death Star while the second at Yavin 4.

Death Star's background:

Yavin 4's background:

What do you think of these 2 new unreleased backgrounds? Are you going to collect them once they get released? Make sure to tell us by commenting in the comments section below.


Club Penguin Darth Herbert's New Playercard + Background

The Star Wars Takeover has already arrived to island, meaning that Herbert is stomping around the island! Actually he isn't yet as he'll start stomping around when the Death Star opens on the 1st of August. Anyway, once he gets online and you get to meet him you'll notice that he has got a new playercard shown below.

He has also got a new free collectible background to share with anyone who meets him once he gets online.

What do you think of Herbert's new name, Darth Herbert, and his new playercard and collectible background? Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment in the comments section below.


Club Penguin How To Walk On Walls Glitch

There's a brand new silly Club Penguin glitch which allows you to walk on walls in any room including igloos! This glitch works for members only, and is only going to be available during the Star Wars Takeover. To do this glitch follow the steps below.
  1. Hold any Lightsaber
  2. Press 'D' to start looking for an opponent to battle them
  3. Click on any high spot including walls
  4. Watch your penguin walk on walls!
Here's me doing this glitch to have my penguin walk on the top of the Coffee Shop #LikeABoss:

What do you think of this funny glitch? Let us know your thoughts on it by commenting below.


Club Penguin's #Waddle On - Episode 3 + #Waddle On Episodes To Come Out Every Friday

The 3rd episode of Club Penguin's comedy sketch #WaddleOn is now released! It contains lots of new random jokes including a silly way to tip the Ice Berg, another 'you're an EARTHLING!' joke which is really funny unlike the previous ones, and lots more. Watch the video below to start bursting from laughing.

It was also confirmed that a new episode of #WaddleOn comes out every Friday from now on!

What do you think of this episode of #WaddleOn? Comment with your LOLs below in the comments section.


Penguin of the Day: Lilcso

Today's Penguin Of The Day is Lilcso who was featured by Daffodaily5 for impressing the Club Penguin Support Team with her efforts to help raise awareness of global warming.

Our Support Team has been very impressed with Lilcso's efforts to help raise awareness of global warming. She also has the perfectbeach outfit! :) 

We would love to hear why your friend should be Penguin of the Day. Contact Us!


-Club Penguin Team 
Don't you think she was really worth getting featured as today's POTD? Tell us by commenting below.


SPOILER: Unreleased Star Wars Takeover Rooms, Maps, and Darth Herbert's In-Game Look

As you all know, that at the 1st of August you can visit the Death Star. I have decided to share some of the Sneak peaks with you. The rooms that I have found look very interesting and looks like there's going to be a mini game at the Death Star. Here are all the upcoming rooms of the Death Star that will be accessible starting August 1st:

On August 8th we'll be able to fly to planet Yavin 4 which is just 2 rooms shown below.

Each of the 2 planet doesn't only have rooms, but also a map. Here's the Death Star's map: (Credits to Perapin for both maps)

Here's the Yavin 4 planet's map:

And finally, here's what Darth Herbert while look like in-game when he starts visiting on the 1st of August: (Credits to Perapin again)

What do you think of the unreleased rooms, maps, and Darth Herbert's avatar? Make sure to tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment in the comments section below with is where comments belong!


Club Penguin Magazine Issue 20 On Sale In The UK!

Club Penguin Magazine's Issue 20 is now on sale in the UK's stores and for sure other countries but mainly in the UK where I live. Check out the current magazine issue's cool cover:

The table of contents listed in this magazine issue are:

  • New Puffle Actions
  • The Really Wise Words of Sensei
  • C.P.T.V.
  • Fashion 4 U: Circus Style!
  • Invitation: Star Wars Takeover
  • Penguin Comic: Captain Redbeard's Treasure
  • Rookie's Random Outfits
  • Star Wars Takeover: Save the Galaxy! (nothing we don't already know)
  • Penguin Challenge: Rookie's Random Puzzles
  • Prize Booth
  • Rookiepedia: J
  • Cool Cribs
  • Posters (both Star Wars ones)
  • Penguin Challenge: Fashion Police
  • PH Planet
  • Penguin Challenge: Punchline Puzzles
  • Penguin Comic: Pack Napped!
  • Ask Aunt Arctic
  • VIP: Fatgoh
  • Next Issue: Free Parachute Penguin! Back to School Special! 3 Free items: Vintage Bundle for every reader. Plus 1500 coins for every reader. Issue 21 on sale 22nd August!
  • Back Cover: A Snow Ninja poster

  • You unlock a Gold Astro Helmet, Gold Astro Suit, and a Treasure Book Item of your choice by using the free unclokable code found in this month's issue.

    In the next magazine issue there will be 3 free items related to going back to school.

    What do you like best about this month's magazine issue? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment in the comments section below!


    Club Penguin EPF Message From The Director - July 25, 2013

    There's a brand new EPF message sent out to all agents by Aunt Arctic. Oops, I mean the Director, in which he informs us that we have to join the Rebel Alliance to save the planet Tatooine as a first step to save the whole galaxy. 

    It reads:
    Agents. Report to Tatooine to join the Rebel Alliance. The fate of the galaxy rests with you.
    Have you gone to Tatooine yet? Are you done saving it from the Stormtroopers? Let us know by leaving a comment in the comments section below.


    Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover 2013 Full Walkthrough - Becoming A Jedi Master and Saving Tatooine

    The Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover 2013 is now on Club Penguin! Everyone can start saving the planet Tatooine in a visit to the outer space while members can becoming a Jedi Master.

    Club Penguin Times Issue 405 - Join The Rebel Alliance!

    Another issue of the weekly Club Penguin newspaper known as the Club Penguin Times has been delivered to all penguins around the island to check out the latest news. This is the 405th issue to get released since Aunt Arctic started publishing the Club Penguin Times in her new office above the Coffee Shop. (previously at her igloo) The main purpose of this issue is, for sure, the Star Wars Takeover.

    The first main article is an urgent message from Princess Cadence inviting us to join the rebel alliance.

    The second is about how to become a Jedi Master.

    Finally, here the upcoming events listed in this week's newspaper issue:

    Which upcoming event are you looking forward to the most? Make sure to tell us by leaving a comment in the comments section below.


    Club Penguin R2-D2 Pin Cheat - July 25, 2013

    There's a new Club Penguin pin hidden some where around the island, and as a result of having this new pin the previous pin which was the Text Book Pin can no longer be found at the Dance Club. The new pin is called the R2-D2 Pin, and can be found at the Pizza Parlor at the location the picture below shows.

    Which do you think of this new pin? Do you have it? Let us know by leaving a comment in the comments section below!


    Club Penguin Fun Activities: Jedi Training Outdoor Activity & Chewy Cookies Recipe

    Club Penguin just updated with the Star Wars Takeover and other updates including a new outdoor activity and a new recipe. Find out more about the outdoor activity Jedi Training below.

    You Will Need
    • 2 or more friends or family
    • Backyard, or field
    • Lots of energy
    • The Force
    • Foam bat
    • Hula hoops
    • Green balls
    • Red balls
    • Yellow balls
    • 3 buckets
    • Cones
    • Blindfold
    • Rope
    Young Jedi must train their bodies and minds to master the Force.

    A great way to do that is by setting up obstacle course stations around your backyard.

    Here's some suggestions on different stations you can set up:
    • Sort colored balls into separate buckets. Try throwing them in, or run and place the balls in the buckets one at a time.
    • Place a ball on a cone and use the foam bat to knock it off while blindfolded.
    • Set up hula hoops in a pattern. Jump between hoops. Make it harder by only jumping with one foot. 
    • Stand on one foot for 15 seconds. Challenge your friends to see who can balance the longest.
    • Spin around 10 times without falling over. Then try to walk in a straight line.
    • Use the rope to mark the starting spot. Try to jump as far as you can.
    • Have two friends hold a rope up. Limbo below the rope. See who can go the lowest.

    Continue your training. The Force will be with you, always.
    STAR WARS™ & © LucasFilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. © 2013 Disney.
    There's also a new recipe which looks delicious. Learn how to bake some Chewy Cookies by reading the full recipe below.
    *Ask an adult for help
    Prep Time: 15 mins
    Cook Time: 15 mins
    Makes: 12-18 cookies
    You Will Need
    • Measuring cups
    • Measuring spoons
    • Mixing bowl
    • Baking sheets
    • Cooking spray or parchment paper
    • Whisk
    • 1 cup pastry flour
    • 1/2 cup coconut oil - melted
    • 1/2 cup maple syrup
    • 1/4 cup chopped caramel
    • 1 cup grated carrots
    • 1 cup rolled oats
    • 1 tsp grated ginger
    • 2/3 cup chopped walnuts
    1.  Preheat the oven to 375ºF (190ºC)
    2.  Lightly grease cookie sheets or line with parchment paper
    3.  In one bowl, mix together flour, oats and carrots
    4.  In another bowl combine coconut oil, maple syrup, and ginger
    5.  Combine the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients
    6.  Add in the caramel pieces (and walnuts)
    7.  Use a tablespoon to drop the dough on to the cookie sheet
    8.  Bake for 10-12 minutes
    9.  Allow cookies to cool before eating
    Do you like this new outdoor activity? What about the new recipe? Tell us by leaving a comment below.


    The Only Minor Club Penguin Update: Home Page Widget

    Each week there are some major and minor updates on Club Penguin, but as for this week there's just 1 minor update. To know what this minor update is, read below.

    This only minor update of this week is a brand new Home Page widget added to Club Penguin's Home Page which shows that members can get 20+ Star Wars costumes at the Star Wars Takeover 2013. 

    What do you think of this only minor update of this week? Leave a comment with your thoughts below.


    Penguin of the Day: Kendall A423

    A brand new Penguin was featured today as Penguin Of The Day for cheering up penguins, inviting them to play games with her, and even running a group to save endangered pandas! This penguin is called Kendall A423, and you can find out more about her below.
    This penguin is a real star! Kendall A423 is always cheering up penguins and inviting them to play games with her. She even ran a group to save endangered pandas! Aww, I love pandas! :)
    Send your Penguin of the Day nominations via the Contact Us page.
    -Club Penguin Team
    What do you think of this cool and helpful penguin? Who do you think should get featured next as POTD? Let us know by leaving a comment in the comments section below seeing that we're always looking forward to hear from you.


    Stormtroopers at Work: Music Break

    It's time for another image captioning fun post with the Stormtroopers at Work! This time the picture shows a Stormtrooper laying down and listening to some music. Get your captioning for this picture ready, and... start captioning the post below.
    Hello Penguins,
    Music break! Everyone got their Star Wars™ Takeover captions ready?

    - Club Penguin Team
    Star Wars ™ & © 2013 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. 
    What's the caption you're going to use for this picture? Let us know by leaving a comment below.


    John Williams - Star Wars Main Title (Cole Plante Remix)

    Here's a sneak peek of the Star Wars song's remix by John Williams which might be playing in one of the party rooms! It's really a great remix that I was going to start dancing on it. xP

    Do you like this new song by Club Penguin? Tell us by leaving a comment in the comments section below.


    Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover 2013 Information

    Club Penguin's page on Disney's UK website and specifically the Club Penguin News section of the page got updated with information about the upcoming Club Penguin party, the Star Wars Takeover! There's nothing new or worth mentioning in it if you've watched the trailer video, but read it below if you'd like to.

    It reads:
    Penguins needed to save the galaxy! From 25 July - 13 August, join the Rebel Alliance, find secret plans, infiltrate the Death Star and defeat the evil Empire! Only members can become a Jedi Master.
    What do you think of the Star Wars Takeover? Make sure to tell us by leaving a comment below.


    Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover 2013 Sneak Peeks Roundup

    The Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover Party 2013 is the next upcoming party to Club Penguin, and it starts tonight. And as we always do before any party starts, here's the sneak peeks roundup of this party. 

    Club Herbert got updated with a picture a dark sky with some text at the bottom of it saying: "STARWARS© Lucasfilm Ltd. All Right Reserved. Parent permission required. © 2013 Disney. Features shown require paid membership." which confirmed that the Star Wars Takeover Party 2013 is NOT a rumor but an upcoming party to Club Penguin's island!

    Then after a while the Monsters University Takeover's trailer started airing as a TV commercial on some TV channels with a new addition at the end, a teaser of the Star Wars Takeover Party 2013.

    Right after the Monsters University Takeover ended, 2 new screens promoting the Star Wars Takeover got added as Home Page and log off screens. One about Darth Vader and another about Princess Cadence.

    An official trailer video about the party was uploaded to Club Penguin's channel on YouTube along to the new screens telling us the main stuff to do at the party; Join the rebel forces to battle Stormtroopers, steal the secret plans, and destroy the Death Star.

    Later on when Club Penguin updated last week, they added even more screens as Home Page Screens, log in, and log off screens. The first showed us most of the costumes that will be available at the party. It's not worth mentioning the new social media accounts' icons and headers because they're parts of the screen below.

    A second one showed that members can become Jedi Masters at the party.

    While the third and final one showed even more features for members which are earning the rebel costume, a background, a pin, some coins, and even playing a minigame shown behind the penguin in the screen below.

    There were also some videos uploaded showing sneak peeks and details about the main parts of the party. The first was an official TV commercial which didn't show anything new other than the main things to do during the party which we know already other than that we're going to ride a space ship to battle the stromtroopers' flying ships.

    Then a Disney Channel Game On commercial showed LOTS and LOTS of sneak peeks from the party which got me and everyone else excited for it as it was very amazing!

    It was also confirmed that only one mascot will visit the island during this party.

    That only mascot is going to be Herbert.
    And finally, Yahoo Movies said that there's going to be 3 minigames at this party, 18 decorated rooms, and 20+ costumes for members to get! What do you think of the Star Wars Takeover Party 2013? Excited for it? Let us know by leaving a comment in the comments section below!
