
Applications are now open! Here is all of the info you will need to sign up. For site jobs we will need:

1 Head of site (Filled)
2 Co-Heads of Site (Filled)
3 Head Reporters (Filled)
6 Reporters (2 spots open)

Accepted Staff: (may change)
Head of Site: Iceyfeet1234
Co-Heads of Site: LionP, Johnnylumber
Head Reporters (may change): Magma, Ajboyrocks, Matthew
Reporters (may change): Slipperysid1, Reddude5789, Marabubumara, Flo Rida1216

Site Jobs:
There will be 2-3 people for each site job.
- Catalogs and Parties (3 people needed)
- Newspapers, pins, field ops, and other cheats (3 people needed)
- News outside of the CP website, youtube, secret upcoming events, etc (3-4 people needed)
NOTE: If a new catalog/party comes out and nobody has posted about it, then you can post the catalog, even if it's not your job, just so you can help the other people out =).

Sign up Form:
1. CP and Xat Name
2. How long you've been playing CP
3. What site job you would like to do
4. Experience with posting (how good your grammar/spelling is, and if you know how to take pictures and crop them on your computer)

bye for now,

~ Iceyfeet1234