There are 4 different types of items that you can earn to complete your water suit:
1. Wave Sandals
2. Waterfall Coat
3. Torrent Mask
4. Helmet of Oceans

How to Play
1. Head on over to the water dojo, the entrance is located in the Ninja Hideout.
2. Talk to Sensei, located at the top of the room. Click on "Earn your Water Suit".
3. When you enter the game, you will need to choose 1 of your cards on the bottum of the screen.

4. When you select a card, you will need to beat one of the elements surrounding you. In this case, water beats fire, fire beats snow, snow beats water. WARNING: If you use the same element on each other, for instance, a water element card on a stone with water on it, then the stone water on the stone will get bigger, causing you to work even harder to win the game!

5. After you elimnate an element on a stone, you can advance forward. Your goal is to get to the gong as fast as possible.

Win Percentages
Here is a list of
how many points you will earn when winning/losing a game.
Wave Sandals
Win: 10% gain
Lose: 2% gain
Win: 7% gain
Lose: 1% gain
Torrent Mask
Win: 5% gain
Lose: 0% gain
Helmet of Oceans
Win: 3% gain
Lose: 0% gain
Battling Sensei
Compared to the other Card-Jitsu games, battling Sensei is pretty easy if you have all 4 parts of your suit. All you have to do is race to the gong and get to it before he does.
Congratulations on beating Sensei, you will be able to do the new dance and to change the weather when you are wearing your water suit only!
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