An Idea For The Cheat Site!

Hello people! I am Aj your head reporter! Today, I am going to post about an idea for the cheats site. I will explain my idea in this post and how it will work..

My idea for the cheats site is to make a CP tracker page and chat. No, this site would not turn into a CP tracker site instead of a CP cheat site, but we would use the CP tracker page when there are big parties in Club penguin! The people on the site would track down the mascot that is at the party, in the morning, we would all go on the smaller servers, because mascots are on small severs in the morning. Then after 12:00 PM EST, we would check on bigger serevers because mascots go on bigger severs in the afternoon. Then, if someone finds a mascot, and doesn't lie about it, we would post it on the site with pictures from the person who found it afterwards.

What pawn would people be (mod, owner, main etc): Co-heads and Heads would be main owners, Head reporters would be owners, and Reporters would be mod. Everyone not on the site will be a member, unless approved by Icey that a person can be a mod. You cannot be an owner or main owner unless you are on the site and you are higher than the rank reporter.

How I thought of this idea: Well, I thought of this idea early in the morning, at 8AM EST. Everyone on IW chat was saying "OMG, ROCKHOPPER IS ON BIG SURF, ON HIS SHIP, OMFG OMFG OMFG!!" So I went on Big Surf, luckily, I am a member on Cp, so the sever wasn't full. I checked ALL OVER Rockhoppers ship, and he wasn't there. I thought Man, if Icey's cheat site had a CP tracker page, it would be a hit, and nobody would be LYING about where mascots are. And thats how I thought of my idea of the CP tracker page...

Rules: There would be 3 rules:

Rule 1. DO NOT LIE ABOUT WHERE MASCOTS ARE: First time you do it is a kick, 2nd time is guest, 3rd time is ban for 2 hours

Rule 2. Do not talk about anything inap, first time would be kick, 2nd time would be banned for 1 hour. Remember, most of us are under the age of 18!

Rule 3. No fighting. That would cause alot of drama on the chat. If someone tries to have a fight with someone else, kick the person starting a fight, if theres already a fight going on, guest BOTH of the people fighting.

So, how do you think the CP tracker page would work out? Good, or bad? Comment with your opinions!

Thank you!



  1. Hey there!I am Greenocool,another Club Penguin reporter on the site.I personally approve your idea and I think that it would be awesome if it becomes a reality!
    I am not sure but I think that only moderators, administrators or owners of the site can create another page or something.Good luck with your idea dude!I think that we have to propose it to Icey! :)

  2. Hello once again Aj!A page about Club Penguin trackers actually exists on the site already!Here's a link:
    An accurate Rockhopper tracker is already added and working.A chat is also provided to make tracking easier for penguins! ;)

