Club Penguin Blog: Igloos Coming to My Penguin on iPad!

Spike Hike has just shared some sneak peeks with us regarding the My Penguin app's next version, 1.2, on the official Club Penguin blog which contains lots of sneak peek pictures! The whole post talks about how igloos will get into the My Penguin app. Have a look:
Hey Penguins!
Last week we revealed the epic news that My Penguin 1.2 is coming to iPad, with all-new 3D penguin avatars! Of course, penguins need a place to hang out... and what better place to hang out than your iggy? That's right, igloos are coming to the next version of My Penguin!!

Here's how it works: when you log into My Penguin on iPad, you'll see your igloo as it appears on Re-decorating your igloo in My Penguin is super-fast, too -- thanks to an all-new touch interface that takes full advantage of the iPad! When you save your iggy design, it will appear on as well. Pretty cool, eh?

Just like on, you can invite your friends to check out your igloo or visit theirs. My Penguin has a brand new interface that lets you see a preview of igloos for easy browsing. It will make it so much faster to find igloo parties!

For those interested in our technology, My Penguin uses entirely new tech that will be the future foundation of Club Penguin. Servers will work a little differently. Instead of logging into a server, we will take you directly to the igloo you want to go to. If the iggy gets full, we will spin up another version of that igloo so that more people can join. This will be really handy for the most popular iggys. Now if we only had a jump feature... :-)
Waddle On!!
But that's not all! At the end he said 'Now if we only had a jump feature... :-)', so if you're from Twitter you'll probably know that Spike Hike means that this new feature is coming by smiling his mysterious smile which is: :-). When do you think the Server Jumping feature is coming? Do you like the new igloo interface coming to the My Penguin app? Make sure to comment below with all your thoughts, opinions, and answers as we're always looking forward to hear from you!


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