Club Penguin #WaddleOn Episode 7 Released

It's Friday, and you know what that means... It's time for the next #WaddleOn episode to be out, and right now it is! Not only does Club Penguin show off some of their 3D animations during it, I noticed something different at the end. You'll have to read the end of the post to find out what that is! Here is the video:

As you could plainly see, Club Penguin has been showing us some cool new sneak peeks about the upcoming 3D animations! For example, you have that penguin playing the violin, and the two other penguins dancing.

As you can see, they are all in 3D in a 2 dimensional igloo. What do you think of these 3D penguins? I think they're epic! Now, some of you may have noticed at the end of the video something odd. Is there anything odd with this emote?

For those of you who have not noticed - it looks better. It has a different design, and a higher quality. Does this mean that Club Penguin will soon be updating the emotes? I hope so, and what did you think about this week's episode of #WaddleOn? Tell us your thoughts on this post in the comments section below!


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