Club Penguin just released the latest episode of their weekly comedy sketch short; #WaddleOn, and this episode is the 6th! It contains epic new jokes and a secret at the end. Here's the whole video:
Now as Spike Hike said, there's a secret at the end of this short video which is a new feature of the next My penguin app! Here's what made me know that it's a My penguin app feature which not everyone noticed:

Now as for the secret, it is that the next version contains decorating and visiting igloos plus moving your penguin in 3D look with a closer name to your avatar, new ring gradient, and a name glow. (Credits to CP Coffee Break for the image below)

And if you're really excited for the next version just to try out this feature, below is a message from Spike Hike confirming that the next version is being tested and it's released is very close! Yes, it IS real message from him.

Finally, the night part of the video doesn't hint to Night on CP as Dr Flopper proofed below.
I think nighttime was only special effects for the video. Look closely & see the leftover white pixels from editing. you looking forward for the next My Penguin version? What about its features? Do you like this week's funny Waddle On episode? Don't forget to comment below with all your answers, thoughts, and opinions!
— Dr Flopper (@DrFlopperCP) August 16, 2013
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