This picture was taken at the beginning of the match. This card can be used from the very beginning. You can use this card no matter which element you chose, from Fire, to Water and Snow. All is compatible. For example. In this picture below, I am not at full health.

(Although, I wouldn't recommend using that card at that much health) All I have to do is click on the revival card, and it will revive me. This card only revives you. Not anyone else.

And after that, I am at full health again! Woohoo! This card can only be used once, and is probably best to use for Tusk and Bonus Stages. (Because they're the hardest.)

As you can see, I now have full health! But the card can't be used again as it is no longer in my deck. So, what do you think about the new feature? Do you think that the card should be for non-members too? Do you think that it should heal everyone? Tell us your thoughts on this post and the new feature in the comments section below!
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